Endorsed by certification GBAC and in compliance with the order SND / 414/2020 of May 16 and SND / 399/2020 of May 9, 2020 of the Ministry of Health we have adopted the following measures in our hotels:
Encourage the physical distancing of all people (customers and workers) with informative signs in different languages and specific signs so that the minimum distance between people is respected.
Minimize physical contact between people, surfaces and objects
Mandatory use of masks for all our personnel in situations where the interpersonal safety distance cannot be guaranteed.
Hydroalcoholic solution dispensers at all hotel entrances, customer crossing areas, restaurant tables, service areas, SPA and rooms.
Welcome personal hygiene kits for all our clients (masks, gloves, hydroalcoholic gel).
Intensification of the daily cleaning and sanitizing of common spaces and elements that can be used frequently.
Adaptation of our cleaning protocols according to specific regulations.
UV Ray disinfection equipment.
Establish maximum capacities in all our spaces that guarantee physical distance.
Updating the configuration of our restaurants, redesigning the distribution of tables to guarantee the distance of two meters between them.
Training of all our workers in the protocols of action for COVID-19.
Instructions on how to act in case of symptoms of workers or clients.
Training in the use of personal protective equipment.
Implementation of digital check in applications and personalization of the stay.